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Roads Board Nepal (RBN) was established under the Roads Board Act- 2002 (hereinafter Act) with the aim of providing sustainable fund for planned maintenance of the roads. Modeled on 'Fee for Service' strategy, RBN collects road user's fee and manages road fund by prioritizing need-based fund allocations to road agencies for maintenance. Its mission is to ensure the road users towards receiving enhanced road service with reduced vehicle operating cost and travel time. With the vision of providing improved road network by generating self-sustainable fund through user's fee and channeling it to road agencies for maintenance of roads, it is playing role in delivering cheaper, safer and comfortable road service. Although it does not expressly mention about the PPP model, the Act holds the spirit of the PPP model in many of its sections, including those concerning with composition, function (both operational and strategic) and implementation.



The preamble of the Roads Board Act 2058 (2002) has clearly stipulates that: "Whereas it is expedient to make necessary provisions on repair and maintenance of roads, minimizing the expenditures to be incurred in repairing and maintaining the roads and making transparent and effective the repairing and maintaining works of the roads."



  • To generate adequate and stable fund and channel it to RAs
  • To carryout maintenance of road assets through road agencies
  • To ensure safe, reliable, comfortable and economic road services to its users
  • To improve data management system at RAS and RBN
  • To develop awareness among stakeholders related to road maintenance
  • To reduce maintenance expenditure Make the maintenance activities transparent and effective

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